The other day I got to help Mommy open up a package from Great Grandpa Kilian and Florrie. Turned out all the stuff inside was for me! They made me a quilt with somebody named Bart Simpson on it. Mommy says I better not ever behave like Bart but he looks nice enough on my quilt so I'm not sure why. They also made me a thingy that goes into shopping cart seats to make them comfy. It looks like a doggie. I can't wait to try that out just as soon as I can sit up by myself. I'm still practicing that. But the best part about getting presents is playing in the box!
And sitting up (which is kinda hard and Mommy and Daddy still have to help me sometimes)...
I found my toes the other day and I can even suck on them when I want to.
AND I learned how to projectile vomit on Mommy. She thought it was funny. I like making Mommy laugh.
But finally she got it just right:
And we even got a family picture together with all of us dressed up all fancy:
The reception was pretty fun until the waitress bonked me in the head with the blunt end of a table knife. It really hurt and I cried a lot. But Mommy and Daddy kept their cool and took care of me. Mommy fed me and soon I felt all better. They spent the rest of the evening looking for concussions. Every time they looked for one they woke me up. I didn't like that much because I was so tired. They seemed pretty tired, too. And they never did find the concussions.
On Sunday we went to Denver to visit Mommy's friend Mack and his family. I got to get in a big bath tub called a pool. Mommy must not have checked the water on her wrist before we went in because it was colder than I'm used to. It was pretty fun, though and I hope I get to go into the big bath again sometime!
Whew! It was a long weekend and I got to do a lot of new things. Mommy says I handled it all very well. I hope that means we get to go on more trips soon!
But the picture lady did manage to get a couple of pictures that Mommy and Daddy thought were cute. I don't really care a whole lot but they seem happy. Here's one they like a lot: