Wow, time flies! I turned 3 months old this past week and Mommy and Daddy thought it would be a good idea to go get "portraits" done. I was very excited about the portraits until I learned that "portrait" is just a fancy word for picture. What's the big deal about that?

Anyway, they got me all dressed up in one of my favorite track suits and my new Vans and drove us down to a big store called "Sears" where they make the portraits. I fell asleep in the car and was still a little groggy when they put me in this funny chair thingy and a strange lady, Mommy, Daddy AND Grandma all started to try to get me to smile. With all those people making silly faces at me and talking to me in funny voices, I didn't know who to pay attention to and it really stressed me out! So, most of the pictures... portraits... whatever(!) look like this:
But the picture lady did manage to get a couple of pictures that Mommy and Daddy thought were cute. I don't really care a whole lot but they seem happy. Here's one they like a lot:
Riley you are getting even cuter! You'll probably be able to swat JJ away when he tries to poke you in August.