Mommy and Daddy took me on a trip to go see Mommy's friend Michelle get married. Mommy was complaining that they had packed way more stuff for me than for the two of them put together. I don't know why though. I'm so little! They had so much stuff they were going to "gate check" me. They thought it was a good idea but the lady at the counter didn't think it was funny. They even put a pink tag on my car seat just in case the lady changed her mind:
To get to Michelle's house we had to go up in this big tin thing called an airplane. It was way better than driving because I didn't have to stay in my car seat and Mommy could feed me even though we were moving. She fed me a lot on the airplane! Something about take-off and landing and my ears. I didn't pay attention much to what she was talking about, I was just excited to get to eat so much.
We got to stop off at Grandma Joan and Grandpa Jim's house for a BBQ before heading to the hotel for bed. Mommy was very excited to see everyone and I got to meet lots of nice people. At the hotel I got a big old queen size pull-out all to myself. Mommy and Daddy put cushions all around me to make me feel snuggly. I slept pretty good!
The next day we wandered around Old Town Fort Collins and that was alright. Mostly I just slept in my car seat. Then we went to Michelle's wedding. Here's Michelle with Grandma Joan and Grandpa Jim:

After the wedding we went to a reception which is kind of like a restaurant only the food is free and everybody is dressed all fancy. Mommy and Daddy dressed me all fancy, too. I was even wearing a hat that seemed to frustrate Mommy alot.
But finally she got it just right:

And we even got a family picture together with all of us dressed up all fancy:

The reception was pretty fun until the waitress bonked me in the head with the blunt end of a table knife. It really hurt and I cried a lot. But Mommy and Daddy kept their cool and took care of me. Mommy fed me and soon I felt all better. They spent the rest of the evening looking for concussions. Every time they looked for one they woke me up. I didn't like that much because I was so tired. They seemed pretty tired, too. And they never did find the concussions.
On Sunday we went to Denver to visit Mommy's friend Mack and his family. I got to get in a big bath tub called a pool. Mommy must not have checked the water on her wrist before we went in because it was colder than I'm used to. It was pretty fun, though and I hope I get to go into the big bath again sometime!

Whew! It was a long weekend and I got to do a lot of new things. Mommy says I handled it all very well. I hope that means we get to go on more trips soon!
Riley, you write so well for a little guy. I can't wait until you become a humorist like our newset bestest politican, Al Franken. 'Cuase your'e already pretty darn funny.