Apparently camping and birthdays mean that we get to eat a lot and have lots of fun, two things I'm particularly good at. I'm glad I was invited! I got to wear my sunhat and meet lots of new people.
My cousin JJ turned 1 year old, which means he got to make a mess of a piece of cake and not get in trouble, which he liked a lot. Everybody was staring and smiling and singing to him, which would freak me out too!
We got to hang out with my Grammy and Grandpa a lot.

Grandpa and Uncle Jason got JJ and I matching outfits! Aren't we awesome?
While we were there, Grammy and Mommy had a conversation that I could tell was about me and food. I kept hearing the word "ready" and "banana" and "why not?", and the next thing I know they were putting something goopy and sweet in my mouth. It was... interesting.
I'm always up for something new, though, and after a little while it actually started tasting really good. More nana, please!
Mommy also started giving me "raspberries", but that wasn't like the nana. She kept trying to put it on the outside of my belly, where I couldn't taste them. Raspberries are weird, they kind of tickle.

Then they brought the cake out. I had my plate ready, what's with the line??
Not that I needed cake, apparently, as I'm pretty well rounded already. Daddy thinks I look like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow man. Whoever that is!

I also got to bounce around with Daddy in a bouncehouse, which was pretty crazy and a little scary. I was glad to get back on solid ground. I'm happy enough just looking at grass.
After a long day of partying, we were all pretty tired. It was a little cold outside and I woke up early, so Mommy and Daddy let me sleep in bed with them to stay warm! I was very cozy and snuggly sleeping on Daddy's arm for 3 hours!
Daddy's arm was "asleep" for the rest of the day, but I woke up happy and refreshed, ready to conquer another day!
Camping is becoming one of my favorite activities! Except when they leave me in the tent - let me out, I wanna play!!
I can't wait for my first birthday - I already have my hat ready!

So glad you like camping baby boy! You'll be doing a lot of it in your life!