Mommy got me a mirror to play with when I do tummy time. I think she thinks that it distracts me so I don't realize that I'm on my tummy. She's wrong, of course, but I like the mirror so much that I stay on my tummy for a while. Plus, it makes Mommy happy. When I get bored with the mirror I just flop over onto my back which makes Mommy and Daddy laugh and clap which I don't really understand. What's the big deal?
The other day I got to help Mommy open up a package from Great Grandpa Kilian and Florrie. Turned out all the stuff inside was for me! They made me a quilt with somebody named Bart Simpson on it. Mommy says I better not ever behave like Bart but he looks nice enough on my quilt so I'm not sure why. They also made me a thingy that goes into shopping cart seats to make them comfy. It looks like a doggie. I can't wait to try that out just as soon as I can sit up by myself. I'm still practicing that. But the best part about getting presents is playing in the box!

We also got to go to a puppet show in the park. Mostly Mommy and Daddy stood around taking pictures of me which they do all the time anyway so I don't know why we went to the park to do it. There was one really neat puppet that looked like a doggy. It was a Mary Annette puppet, whatever that means. Seems like they just shoulda called it the doggy puppet.

Mommy and Daddy say its important to have a bedtime routine. We do lots of stuff to get ready for bed at our house. Mommy feeds me and gets me to burp. Then I get to get naked and do one of my all time favorite things: take a bath. Baths are so much fun! I love splashing around in the water and seeing how much stuff I can get wet.

Then I get a massage with some yummy smelling lotion. After that we play a game while they get me dressed in about a million different layers of clothes. Mommy and Daddy call the game "baby wrestling". After that I'm pretty tired from all the wrestling so I get a good night kiss from one of them and the other one reads me a bedtime story. Then I get one more hug and kiss and they put me in my crib with my lovey. I like to suck on the ribbons a while before I fall asleep. I like it best when it's over my face but Mommy doesn't like it when I do that 'cause she thinks I can't breathe. But I can. It's OK, Mommy!

Good Night!
yo yo yo, riley-o! Good to hear fromyou. Tell your parents to post more often!
ReplyDeleteYou are one cute kid, Riley!