Gosh, life outside the womb moves fast!
It seems like Mommy is always putting me in the car seat thingy and taking me somewhere. We go running a lot in the park and mostly I just nap through that. We also go to a support group for new babies. I really like staring up at the lights and bouncing on Mommy's lap. I think she enjoys it, too. Sometimes, she takes me to a place called Babies R Us. My favorite part of that place is the "lactation room" where I get to eat after Mommy buys a lot of stuff.
Sometimes Daddy feeds me from a thing called a bottle. He usually has a bottle of his own, but I don't think it has milk in it. I keep thinking he'll share his, but he hasn't so far. Daddy talks to me in funny voices that make me smile. In fact, they both get very silly and giggly when I smile at them. It's pretty funny. They also sing funny songs to me. I like some better than others. Mostly I like ROCK n ROLL on the radio, but I also really like Mommy's "Poopy Butt" song.
So far they've taken me down to visit Grandpa George and that was when I met my cousin JJ, Auntie Wendy and Uncle Jason. JJ is crazy and I bet we'll have a lot of fun together when we get older. Next weekend we're going "camping". I don't know what that means, but Mommy is really excited about it and keeps talking about the "pea pod" they're going to put me in. Then, in June, we're going to Mommy's friend Michelle's wedding. I get to go on my first airplane ride. I have a couple of surprises in store for them, too. Sssshhhhh..... don't tell.
Overall, Mommy and Daddy are doing a pretty good job taking care of me but I can tell that sometimes they're scared that they'll make a mistake. Mostly, they're great, but Mommy makes me do this horrible thing called "tummy time". It's hard and it hurts my neck because my head is so big and heavy. I try to tell her I don't like it but she just keeps doing it and cheering me on and telling me it will help me grow big and strong.
I guess that's a good thing, right?
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