Mommy and Daddy took me to a place called "camping" this past weekend. We lived in a big red box Mommy called the "Tajma-tent" because it was so big. Mommy bought me a funny bed called a pea pod. It was pretty comfy and I slept almost 8 whole hours in it the first night before my tummy started rumbling. One of my favorite parts of the trip was when Mommy and Daddy brought me into their bed. It was fun laying around with them.
When we weren't hanging out in Tajma-tent we were sitting around a dancing light thingy Daddy called a "fire". Mommy and Daddy kept putting me in funny hats depending on what time of day it was. Big floppy hats for the day... warm fuzzy hats for the night. And there was even one with ears... not sure what that was for except to make me feel silly. Here I am in that hat while Mommy reads me a story.

Mommy and Daddy ate these things called s'mores. They looked really good and I can't wait until I have teeth and can try them myself. In addition to the stories that Mommy read me, we went to story time that the camp ground put on. They were funny stories... at least the other kids thought so. I didn't really understand any of them.
Overall the trip was pretty fun. I'm kinda tired and cranky, at least that's what Mommy keeps saying. She says it might be because of the change in my routine or due to my 3 month growth spurt, whatever that means.
Tomorrow Mommy goes back to work. She seems kinda sad and says she doesn't want to leave me, but she knows that Daddy will take good care of me while she's away. I bet we'll have lots of fun!
are those pillows i see under jay's head? man, you do camp in style!