Friday, May 21, 2010

Gotta crawl before you can walk, right?

My mommy’s kind of a klutz. She fell down the stairs the other day and scared the heck out of me and daddy. Fortunately we’re all OK but mommy says she’s so klutzy that she can’t walk and chew gum at the same time.

Now I’m not sure what gum is but I can see how it might be hard to do two things at once, especially if one is walking! I’ve been trying to do this walking thing for a couple months now and it’s kinda hard and kinda scary! I do pretty good when I hang onto stuff like the coffee table, the truck Grandpa George got me for my birthday or even mommy or daddy’s finger. Oh, and the shopping cart that Tanya let’s me play with at daycare. I like that thing and I can get going pretty fast! Look! Tanya even made a video of me!

But they want me to do this walking thing all by myself. I’ve tried it a couple times and it seems like it’s going pretty good but then I get all wobbly and fall over. Plus it seems kinda slow. I’m much faster at crawling. Still, it is fun to learn new things and mommy says that practice makes perfect. Maybe she should practice more with the walking and chewing gum!


  1. good job, Riley! You are going to be a star on the Supermarket Sweep when you grow up.

  2. You are too precious for words, little man!
    Grammy has sent this video to lots of people
    to see you and they all loved it!

    Be careful so you don't get any serious boo-boos
    have Mommy or Daddy kiss them for me to make them
    go away.

    Love you,
    Grammy & Grandpa K.
