For my birthday, Mom, Dad, and Grandma Julie went to the Bay Area Discovery Museum in Marin, just across the Golden Gate Bridge. It's a lot of fun! We spent most of our time there in the "Tot Spot", where I could crawl through tunnels and play with water. So much fun to get so wet!
Though, they made me wear a silly hat and apron in an attempt to keep me dry (as if!)

Here I am whacking the water wall in the tunnel:

And here I'm showing a fish who's boss:

There were some buttons inside that made cricket noises, and I love making noise:

We had a great time! Then, we went to Sausalito where we went to Fish for lunch. I had fish sticks, french fries, salmon, dill pickles, and a root beer float. What a day!
Happy birthday, Riley! What a wonderful way to spend your special day! :)